
Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an initiative of the Government of India, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), which aims at providing the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) aligned certification to the large uncertified workforce existing across industries who have achieved skills through informal learnings or learning through practice to give them equal acceptance as the formal level of education in various sectors of the country.

  • To align competencies of pre-existing workforce to the NSQF
  • To enhance the employability of an individual
  • To provide opportunities and reduce Inequalities based on preference to certain forms of knowledge over others
  • To enhance Industry acceptability of the Certification
  • Mobilization & Pre-Screening
  • Orientation
  • Final Assessment
  • Cerification

RPL is applicable to any candidate possessing AADHAAR Card having prior learning/ experience of a skill and fits into the eligibility criteria defined for the respective job-role.


In the absence of recognized qualifications, a large number of people face severe disadvantages in getting decent jobs, migrating to other regions and accessing further education, even though they might have the necessary knowledge and skills. The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process can help these individuals acquire a formal qualification that matches their knowledge and skills, and thereby contribute to improving their employability, mobility, lifelong learning, social inclusion, and self- esteem.


Employees undertake a lot of learning in the workplace. In many cases the lack of formal certification or recognition can lead to issues for individuals in the workplace such as slow or no career progression, lack of progression in their learning and duplication of learning.

RPL helps you evaluate people internally for their skills and performance. RPL support Employers to:

  • Boost your team’s morale and increase productivity by recognizing the less privileged members who couldn’t access formal certification
  • Identify appropriate training opportunities
  • Establish an objective assessment criterion for skills included in the National Skills Qualification Framework, regardless of a person’s educational background.
  • Align RPL assessments with Internal performance evaluations to better inform your learning & development decisions
As a result, employers may find that RPL can lead to increased employee retention and reduced recruitment and training costs.